Sibford Old Scholars' Association


Sibford Old Scholars consists of ex-pupils and their families, teachers, staff members and friends of the school who are scattered far and wide across the globe, with the one main shared connection which is Sibford School.

Members come from wide-ranging backgrounds and cultures, together with having a diverse and interesting choice of careers, interests, and hobbies.

The aim of SOSA is to continue to support and engage with the school whether through active participation in projects such as career advice and sports events or through assisting the school in other ways. SOSA’s other objective is to encourage friendships and create a welcoming community.


Looking after the governance of SOSA and helping build stronger links with the school and its members.


Since the very first reunion in 1904 (photo above) SOSA Reunions and other events can be found here.


Two ways to donate to Sibford Old Scholars Association and the School's activities can be found here.

Get Involved

Join the committee, help run the annual reunion or run a regional event.