Updated 08th January 2022
1. Name
The name of the Association shall be ‘Sibford Old Scholars Association’, hearafter known as ‘SOSA’.
2. Objectives
To promote fellowship and friendship between former members (scholars and staff) and present members (scholars and staff) of Sibford School, hereafter known as ‘the School.’
To support and assist the further development and aspirations of the School of today and help maintain its traditions and history.
3. Membership
The Association shall consist of Members (lifetime) and Honorary Life Members.
3.2 Life Membership eligibility:
Lifetime membership of SOSA shall be open to all former members of Sibford School, both staff and scholars, who wish their names to be stored on the membership database.
3.3 Honorary Life Membership:
Honorary Life Membership of the Association may be conferred at any Annual General Meeting on any individual as a mark of esteem for notable services to the Association or the School who has not previously attended or worked at the school.
As from September 2002, it was agreed that between SOSA and the School that all school leavers in Years 11, 12 and 13 will automatically become Members of the Association. An amount will be debited each term from their school fee account at a level to be determined mutually by the School and SOSA.
All members have the right to receive magazines, invitations, annual reports, and all available information on the affairs of SOSA.
All members have the right to vote on all matters pertaining to the governance of SOSA.
All members have the right to offer themselves for election to the Committee subject only to have a nominator and seconded from the full membership and be able to attend meetings on a regular basis.
All members have the right to offer themselves for election to the Committee subject only to have a nominator and seconded from the full membership and be able to attend meetings on a regular basis.
All members have the right to appear before the Committee to express their views subject to prior arrangements with the General Secretary.
All members will have access to a copy of the full Constitution and shall be informed by all amendments.
Any Member wishing to leave the Association may do so by notifying the Membership Secretary in writing by letter or via email.
Any person may be removed from membership at a General Meeting for any
reason, which is considered to good and sufficient, provided there is an overall majority voting of the Members there.
No return of subscriptions or donations shall be payable to any person removed from membership or who shall have resigned.
All members must advise which form of communication they would prefer,
providing current contact details whether this be physical address or electronic email address.
4. Year
The Associations’ year and Committee’s term of office shall run from the 01st September to 31st August.
5. Committee
The business of SOSA shall be managed and conducted by a Committee of twelve.
The Committee shall consist of:
The President, Vice President, Retiring President, one School Representative, General Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Reunion Secretary, School Liaison Officer and three committee members
The General Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Reunion Secretary along with ordinary Committee members will be elected tri-annually. If possible, all elected members would be staggered appointments to enable continuity.
All elected members of the Committee should be members of SOSA.
The Head of School and Business Manager shall be Committee members and the Head shall nominate one school staff member to the Committee.
Members of the Committee shall be elected at the AGM for a three-year period and may stand for re-election.
The Committee may co-opt from the membership of SOSA to replace any deficiency in its numbers. Co-opted members must stand for re-election at the next AGM.
All members of the Committee shall be equal regardless of office and shall possess one vote. In the case of a tied vote, the President shall have the casting vote.
A quorum shall not be less than seven full members of the committee.
A member of the Committee who fails to attend meetings to the satisfaction of the Committee shall be deemed to have resigned upon a simple majority vote of the Committee.
The President would normally chair all meetings during their year in office, but may decide, if they so wish, to nominate a Chair in their place.
6. Voting
Voting at the AGM or an EGM is open to all Members of the Association on a one person, one vote basis.
Items requiring a vote will be made available at least one month prior to the vote, on the SOSA website and in writing for those who do not have electronic communications.
Voting may be undertaken in person, electronically or via post.
Electronic voting will only be accepted via email from an email address registered in the SOSA database.
Proxy voting will only be accepted if the Proxy has written confirmation from the Member that he / she has the authority to vote on the item.
7. Nominations and Elections
Nominations for the Committee shall normally be in writing, addressed to the President, signed by a proposer and seconder, and shall be sent or handed to the General Secretary in reasonable time before the Annual General Meeting. In the absence of written nominations, proposals may be taken from the members at the AGM.
The Committee shall be elected by simple majority either by a show of hands or by written ballot papers
One SOSA representative shall be nominated to serve on the School Governing Committee coinciding with that Committee’s normal term of office, which is currently four years. (These appointments should overlap).
The SOSA President and Vice President shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve for one year. Normally the President’s year of office shall immediately follow the year in which he/she was Vice President.
8. Accounts, Assets and Trustees
The accounts of the Association shall be administered by the elected Treasurer who will prepare a current statement of accounts for discussion at the AGM. The Treasurer will also present an independently signed Examination of Accounts for the completed yearly accounts at the financial year-end on 31st March.
The Committee would normally approve all expenditure. The Treasurer shall be empowered to sign cheques to a value of £250.00 and cheques above this value will require the signature of any one of two SOSA Committee members who shall be regarded as authorised signatories on SOSA’S behalf.
Land or property owned by the Association shall be held in the name of four Trustees appointed by the Annual General Meeting from time to time. The Trustees must be current members of the SOSA and have current details on the SOSA database.
Subject to the approval of the AGM the Treasurer shall be empowered to make from time to time any necessary investments on behalf of the Association.
9. Communication
The Association shall produce an annual magazine called ‘The Sibford Rocket.’ Old Scholars will assist in the production of this publication. The magazine shall be distributed to members but where husbands, wives or partners are joint members, only one magazine shall be sent. The Association will maintain, further develop, and make suitable arrangements to refresh and update the SOSA website, social media, and its links.
10. Meetings and Reunions
The Annual Reunion of members shall be held at Sibford at such time as may be agreed by the School and the Committee.
Details of the reunion will be posted beforehand, details can also be obtained from the SOSA Website, School office and on SOSA social media. 10.3 The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held during the Annual Reunion or at a time that is appropriate according to circumstances. Notice of the AGM will be included in communications to members that includes the reunion programme and booking form, either by post, email or from the SOSA website. Members will also be signposted to this via SOSA’s social media platforms.
General Meetings (other than the AGM) of the Association may be held if the need arises but only after not less than 14 days’ written notice to Members.
11. Minutes
Minutes of the proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and of meetings of the Committee shall be recorded in a permanent manner by SOSA and, when passed, shall be available for inspection at the School by any member of the Association by arrangement.
12. Alterations To Rules
Notice of proposed changes to the Constitution of the Association shall be given to the President at least fourteen days prior to an AGM. The AGM shall have power to deal with any alteration or addition to the Rules without such notice if the Meeting so decides by a two-thirds majority of members who are present and voting.
No alterations or additions to the Constitution of the Association shall become effective unless passed by a two-thirds majority of members voting at an Annual General Meeting.
13. Winding Up
The Association may be dissolved and its assets disposed of at an AGM by a 9/10th majority of members present and voting, but only if a written proposed and seconded motion to do so shall have been lodged with the General Secretary and publicised on the SOSA and School websites for not less than 21 days before the AGM.
14. Adopted Constitution
These rules and constitution shall replace in all respects the previous ones approved at the 2015 AGM.