On March the 11th several members of SOSA from a huge mixture of years met for a general catch up and Chin-Wag. After the initial technical issues that often govern these new ways of meeting a great time was had by all attendees. It was so good seeing that the cross-generational members were able to have a somewhat productive chat even through zoom. We look forward to more meetings like this, hopefully, with even more members in attendance.

We hope that more members will partake in future meetings, we were able to connect people who hadn’t seen each other for 40 and 60 years respectively, plus we had a good contingent from the ’60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. We would love to encourage newer members to come and join us too, but we are as ever aware that life sometimes makes it hard to connect in this way.
We have received several emails of thanks, which is always a lovely thing to get.
We will of course arrange future meetings but would love to hear from you who you would like to connect with or any themes you would like us to cover.